So I got to work and drank an energy drink and then slept
for about 30min on top of the freezer before Alexandre woke me up when he got
there. Got changed and onto the work...
We were banging out the bread like machines...Alexandre used
the divider to do some rustically shaped baguettes while I did all the
biological bread and misc. shapes. By the time Benjamin came in at 2 we were
almost done with everything. I got onto mixing all the other dough’s like kamut
and spelt, viennoise and seigle Auvergne. The seigle Auvergne came out flippen
sexy, with beautiful colouration and cracks. And I divided and shaped the
viennoise on my own as well, as Benjamin was pretty slow even though he only
had the white dough to do.
I honestly was in the zone, not talking much, just kept my
head down and got shit done. I love that feeling or over tired second wind
energy where you just go with everything. Alexandre mixed a rye recipe with
some orange juice and zest in it which is an interesting idea.
After cleaning we were done around 10:30 and I was exhausted
as once the work slows down, fatigue starts to creep in, but still pushed on.
Oh and Bonnie is pregnant!!! You can see her belly swelling up already. She’s
so cute...and I feel very protective of her but she still runs around and
chases things like normal.
Ah and the ginger beer I brewed was really good. It could’ve
fermented a bit more but it’s so cold at night that it couldn’t be helped.
When I got home I passed out hard, but only after cooking
and doing some washing J
and I woke up late!!! I had set my alarm but I only woke up after the rugby test
match between SA and France had started. Anyway, I rushed to King Arthur where Alex,
Pierre, Hugo and a beer were already waiting for me. Was a bit shit because
they had some chick singing so they had no volume on the game but then again
the French are more into their soccer.
The game wasn’t that great but SA beat France so no worries... I bought a round of 3 pints of that awesome
banana bread beer for Alex, Hugo and myself and when I got my sms for the
transaction I was shocked...20 plus euros came to R275 for 3 pints!!!! They must’ve
upped the prices a bit as its December but still...for that price I could buy 2
cases of beer back home. Oh well. It was a good night.
Everyone was hungry so we decided to go to McDonalds which
was the first time I was going to one in France. They have a really cool system
where you put your order through on a touch screen and pay for it, then just
wait with your ticket until its ready. It’s so efficient and would really be
better for SA I think. They also give you an option of potato wedges which I
thought was really cool.