Good day today...decent push. Williams shaping is improving
although he still needs to focus a bit more.
Benjamin was slow again today so Alexandre was kicking his ass hard. He’s
an employee, William is just observing and I’m a stagiare...same like when Yann
was here. They’re all big talk but then mess up or can’t perform. A little
humility goes a long way...I know when to shut up and just work. I’m there to
learn so I don’t have a chip on my shoulder, if I’m not open to being told
something it’s not possible to learn is it? Day was pretty ok except for around
10am when we were late for an order of dejeunettes
because Benjamin forgot to divide them after everything else and shaped slow.
Then while he was baking them, he was baking them too long so I took over and
as we were changing trolleys, I knocked the one against a till which was next
to the side of the display glass and broke it. FML. I had literally cm on each
side to spare but still. Had to discard some cakes too because of glass. Felt
really shit.
But life goes on...I asked to pay for it but Mme Pozzoli
wouldn’t let me. Apparently it’s happened before. And the moved the till before
but moved it back a short while ago. Izam also was smiling and joking a bit
today...I can see he’s relaxing more and becoming part of the team. He’s only
16...made me think about when I did job shadowing while still in
school...around his age as well. I even remembered my 1st burn,
although 10 years later it’s gone. I remember how and why it happened too.
While cleaning up Alexandre and I were talking again. He
complimented me saying that I learn quickly which was cool to hear. And we then
started talking psychology and work ethics...I really enjoy these chats at the
tail end of work. Topics become so deep. Really thought provoking. Everyone
needs to stay focused and keep on learning...otherwise you start to die inside.
Alexandre asked me to start at 1 tomorrow with him so we can
knock out an order before the others come in so we aren’t delayed at all so
gonna nod off soon but now it’s a perfect excuse for Monster!!! Although I
don’t really need an excuse for Monster do I? J
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