Bakerboy From Lyon


International Happy Meeting

Today was standard, apart from Alexandre doing some cool new breads which he was practising for his presentation on Saturday. One which stood out in particular was “couronne Auvergne” which is shaped like a crown but is made up of 7 individual pieces held together by a thin layer of oil brushed dough.
couronne auvergne apres

We made all the small breads in the different shapes as well.
The repair guy finally came and it took him 10 min to change the handle, so I could finally do some washing before I went out to meet up with Marion and Carlotte at an “international happy meeting” which is a buddy system they want to start between “Erasmus” or exchange students and French students.

The party was held at a pub just behind place des terreaux and I got to chat with some French students as well as 2 Spanish girls who had that very cool Spanish accent especially when they say stuff like “Valencia” or “gracias”J.  The main premise for the evening was a “blind test” which consisted of teams listening to a song for 5 seconds and then having to guess the name and artist.

I thought my team did ok but it turns out we came dead last. That sucked. But it was a good time anyway: p there was a tie for first place so the two teams had a dance off to “gangnam style” which was quite funny to watch the tables suddenly erupt into people doing the dance moves.

I tried a cider called “magnus” which was alright. Not too sweet like some ciders and also only a slight carbonation. And of course a panache to finish things off. It seems like the alcohol here doesn’t hit you as hard as the SA stuff although I steer clear of shots though.
Carlotte and I walked home afterwards and I got about 3 hours sleep before work.

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