Bakerboy From Lyon


Too cold for comfort

This morning I never really felt fully awake. Alexandre was working at next level speed which left me spinning a bit as I tried to keep up...
Speedy Gonzalez
some of the speed shaping techniques are difficult for me as I still have my old habit/technique that I use just by instinct.

As Alexandre was spending most of the late morning baking things for Pauline’s birthday, I was at the oven baking trolley after trolley of baguettes and could only help Yann clean in-between loading decks of bread. I’ve got a much better feel for all the breads now, how deep to score, space and length of scores etc.
San Francisco Bay Area
After work I met up with an American couple who are from San Francisco, near the bay area and we went for a drink close to the bakery. Claire writes a food blog and we actually follow each other on twitter so that’s how we came to meet. Her husband is going to a conference in Dublin so they decided to spend some time in Lyon on their way over there. A very interesting couple and we had a good time talking about the differences between South Africa and San Francisco in terms of food trends and what people are looking for in the market currently.

There was a student tour of Lyon from about 1pm, but by the time I was finished with my drink it was past 1 and I was almost falling asleep so I headed home and had a glass of wine with Fatiha and her friend Alex and then crashed until 10pm....I was so out of it.

When I woke up I realised that there was a dnb (drum 'n bass) party happening so I got dressed, had a beer and then realised how cold it was and that I would have to walk 30min one way to get there and literally stood in front of the door and said to myself “screw this”, had a nice hot shower, got into my jammies and made some dinner and then layered up and got under my duvet....bizarre but true. I passed up dnb to be was like 5 degrees outside and I  am definitely not used to that kind of cold.
Don't be a wuss; it's not THAT cold !

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