Bakerboy From Lyon


The Big Cheese

Today was standard...I’ve been getting a lot of sarcasm from Alexandre and Alex though. Maybe they just have difficulty saying that they’re going to miss me :p

I got to taste the galette was served on a pain Texan which is kinda like a flat round roll that they use for burgers, with 2 slices of reblochon and 2 slices of bacon. It was pretty good, but since tasting Alex’s tartiflette, I only accept it with loads of lardons and caramelised onions. Alexandre reckons you judge a tartiflette but whether or not you fart the next day...if you don’t, you need to add more cheese ha-ha

Chef also made a “galette auvernge” which is made from thin slices of potato, salted to remove moisture then mixed with parsley, garlic and layered onto feulletage, then topped with lardons and another layer of feulletage before being baked. Once baked, a circle is removed from the top and whipped crème fraiche is piped inside and slowly melts in.mmmm looks so good but it’s a bit outta my price range at 11 Euros for a small one (which is meant for 2 people though).

An Italian guy stayed the night. Was pretty cool coz his name is in assassin’s creed. Ezio auditore da Firenze :p

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