Bakerboy From Lyon


C'est la vie

Today I just chilled in as per usual and the technician/repairman for the washing machine finally came. Along with the piece and the callout fee, the total was just under 100 euros...still better than 300. But get this, the guy knew he was coming to fix a door, but all he did was open the washing machine and then didn’t even have a piece (gonna explain now) and said that he would only be able to come back next week Monday or Tuesday morning.

I said to him that I’m here every day after 1pm which is pretty early but he can’t make it for whatever reason.... so in France, you have to wait a week just to get a part even though I just paid the guy to effectively pry open the door only. Since I can’t do Monday or Tuesday morning and only midday or afternoon, he’s coming back next wed afternoon. What the f&#!.
I spoke to Fatiha about it and it makes no sense to me that a repairman or whatever can’t come back in one or two days to fix it. In SA it wouldn’t take that long and I don’t think our guys are that organised either. Some things they do here just piss me I just ended up washing the rest of my clothes in the bath, by hand...honestly, what a sac de merde.

A girl from Macao is staying over today; her name is Lavinia which is actually Latin. She told me she is going to travel to Czech Republic and Poland to see the concentration camps... that’s not a conversation you have everyday...

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